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Configuration & Processes

Menu Configuration

"Menu configuration" is setup in menu "Global Administration -> Menu Maintenance -> Menu Code: HR47122"

Code Description  Default Value 
HR1Title HR 1 Title  HR 1
HR2Title HR 2 Title   HR 2
NumberOfAppraisalPerGroup  Number of Appraisal Per Group  1
AppraisalStartMonth  Month name to start the appraisal year. E.g use month name "July" if "Appraisal Year" starts in July. Use "January" if "Appraisal Year" starts in January.  Quarter 1
January  Group Name of January. For Yearly appraisal, use "Year". For Monthly appraisal, use month name.   Quarter 1
February Group Name of February  Quarter 1
March  Group Name of March   Quarter 2
April  Group Name of April   Quarter 2
May  Group Name of May   Quarter 2
June Group Name of June  Quarter 3
July Group Name of July  Quarter 3
August Group Name of August  Quarter 3
September Group Name of September  Quarter 3
October Group Name of October  Quarter 4
November Group Name of November  Quarter 4
December Group Name of December  Quarter 4
ManagerCommentIsRequired  "Manager Comment" is required when score is less than employee score  N
ScoreCanExceedBaseValue Scores entered by Employee/Manager/HR can exceed base value  Y
DefaultKPIWeight Default KPI Weight when adding a KPI to an appraisal  0
DefaultKPIAverage Default KPI Average flag when adding a KPI to an appraisal  Y
DefaultKPIInitiative Default KPI Initiative flag when adding a KPI to an appraisal  Y


Code Description Default Frequency
ESS018  Calculate performance appraisal scores for KPI's that are using a script. Every Minute

Performance Appraisal Automatic Employee Submission after [N] Days. Configure the process rules before enabling this process.

Configuration Rules
Flag  Description  Default Value 
ESS034-NDays Number of [N] Days from "appraisal date" after which the system will automatically submit the employee scores.  7

Every Day